
Gynecologic Oncology Resource Line

Phone: 416 946 2220

Clinical Nurse Specialist:

Jodi-Ann Manhertz, RN, BScN, MN, CON(c)

Jodi-Ann Manhertz is a certified Oncology nurse. She achieved her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Nursing degrees at Ryerson University. Jodi-Ann started her nursing career with Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PM) in 2011 as part of the Nursing Resource Team and then transitioned to staff nurse on the Medical and Radiation Inpatient unit in 2014. In 2016, as co-principal investigator, she contributed to research focused on discharge education post Brachytherapy treatment for women with Gynecologic cancers. She was the successful recipient of the Frank Gerstein Charitable Foundation Advanced Education Award for Palliative Care Nursing in 2018.

Jodi-Ann can be reached at 416.340.4800 x3674


COVID-19 Vaccination Information:


  • If you have a vaccine scheduled for less than 7 days before your surgery, you may want to reschedule your vaccine.
  • Up to 15 people out of 100 may get a fever after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. If you have a fever on the day of your surgery, your surgery may need to be rescheduled.


  • Wait at least 1 week after your surgery before receiving a vaccine. Having a fever can be a sign of infection after surgery.
  • By waiting 1 week after surgery, your health care will be able to determine if the fever is related to an infection and not a vaccine side effect.
Click here for more information



General information








Managing Side Effects


Bowel Function:

Sexual & Pelvic Floor Health:


Additional Resources:




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